52 photos   13057 visits


Friends,please don`t believe in everybody! :(
I`m not a fake.I`m a little girl what is following her dreams.
And I`m not busy really always,I found this site like you! :)
Playing on the computer in a weekend.Big thing.. :(
Please,don`t believe in everybody! <3
I`m Caroline.I haven`t motives to lie. <33
I`m not a poser! I`m...Me! :(
And I know who I am..And I love who I am!
I haven`t motives to lie..I love my life exactly how is it! I have no one motive to lie because I like to be me! :)
I`ll never change my life! My life will remain this forever. :)
xo Caro <3
I`m ME ! :(
I`m ME ! :(

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